First Ibero-American Symposium of Master and Doctorate in Artificial IntelligenceNovember 11, 2021
In the context of the XVII edition of the Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, the first Ibero-American Symposium of Master and Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence (SIMDIA’2021) will be held as a preliminary activity, which will aim to be a space for socialization, presentation and discussion of academic master’s and doctorate works on different topics around Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The Symposium consists of the presentation of research work carried out by postgraduate students (Master’s or Doctorate) with (i) a significant contribution to knowledge or (ii) presenting innovative experiences in the different areas of AI. The works submitted will go through a peer review and those accepted in the evaluation process will be presented. There is a scientific committee made up of researchers from the different AI areas and with the support of the different societies that make up IBERAMIA.
The selected works will have a time of 15 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of questions. According to the results of the selection, there will be specialized rooms by areas (tracks). Papers can be submitted and presented in English, Spanish or Portuguese. In addition to the presentations of the selected works, there will be some plenary conferences in the context of the Symposium.
The works to be presented are framed in the following research areas:
- Knowledge Engineering, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning under Uncertainty
- Agent technology and Multi-Agent Systems. Argumentation.
- Planning and Scheduling. Heuristics and Metaheuristics. Robotics.
- Computational Intelligence & Soft Computing. Cognitive Modeling, Cognitive Systems
- Natural Language Processing. Computer vision, Pattern recognition
- AI in Education, Affective Computing and Human-Computer Interaction.
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Big Data, Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining
- Ambient intelligence. AI of Things. Humans and AI, Human-Aware AI.
- Game Theory and Interactive Entertainment. AI and the Web, Computational Sustainability and AI.
Research papers related to Doctoral Thesis or Master’s Final Projects that have already been presented or are in the process of being carried out can be submitted. In the first case, they must have been submitted after January 1, 2018.
Guide to authors
Submitted articles should be between 3 and 5 pages long and should reflect progress with a certain degree of maturity. They must clearly identify what is the expected contribution, contrasted with other previous works and the proposed methodology. They must indicate the status of the Thesis and main findings. When required, the results obtained will be presented.
The submission that students must make for the master’s and doctoral symposium consists of two elements:
- A letter of recommendation from the student’s tutor. The letter should be sent by mail directly to the chairs of the Master’s or Doctoral Symposium, respectively:, The recommendation letter should include the current status of the research, as well as the expected date for completing the research and conducting the dissertation.
- An article describing the investigation. The author of the article should only be the student and, if desired, the tutor. The length of the article will be 5 pages maximum (2 more pages are allowed for references) and must contain clearly defined:
a) The problem to be solved in the investigation; the rationale for why the issue is important. In addition, it should be made clear what the previous research that supports it is. In the case of a doctorate: why the problem to be solved is innovative and show that it has not yet been solved.
b) The objectives or hypotheses of the investigation.
c) The expected contributions of the research, including a discussion of the related work.
d) How students plan to evaluate the results and present the evidence of those results to the community (outreach),
e) A description of the expected or already achieved results, as well as future lines of work
In the case of a preliminary investigation, the article should be 3 pages maximum (allowing 1 additional page for references) and should include all the items indicated above from (a) – (d) and not include (e).
Articles can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese and must follow the Springer LNCS format ( Articles will be sent in pdf format to EasyChair (it requires previous access or resgistration):
- SIMDIA-Maestria:
- SIMDIA-Doctorado:
The accepted and presented versions will be published digitally, in addition to receiving a certificate of participation from the expositors.
The best qualified papers (best paper award) will be invited to publish an extended version in the Artificial Intelligence journal (edited by IBERAMIA and indexed in Scopus, Scimago and Emerging Souces Citation Index), as well as in other specialized magazines to be defined. The specific language and format conditions of the selected journals will be respected.
Additionally, an invitation (scholarship-registration) will be granted for the 17th Iberoamerican Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Iberamia’2022) to present the work.
Responsible for the Organization and Selection of Jobs.
- Doctorate: Pr. Juan de Dios Murillo. National University Costa Rica (
- Masters: Pr. Nestor Dario Duque. National university of Colombia. Manizales Headquarters (
Registration to participate in the Symposium and present papers: Free
- Submission of papers: September, 30, 2021
July 5 to September 13, 2021 - Notification: October 27, 2021
- Symposium: November 11,2021