(See below the sites and detailed programme of each technical session) Programme-IBERAMIA’2018 (PDF) Proceedings IBERAMIA’2018
13 Nov (Tuesday)
14 Nov (Wednesday)
15 Nov (Thursday)
16 Nov (Friday)
8:00 – 9:00 Registration and Reception |
8:00 – 9:00 Registration and Reception
8:30 – 9:00 Registration and Reception |
8:30 – 9:00 Registration and Reception |
9:00 -10:30 . Workshops, Tutoriales V Jornada Peruana de Inteligencia Artificial
9:00 -10:15
Technical Session Machine Learning, Cognitive Modeling -I |
9:00 -10:15
Technical Session Knowledge Representation and Reasoning -I |
Technical Session T-1A Natural Language Processing -I |
9:00 -10:15
Technical Session Planning, Scheduling & Robotics -I |
9:00 -10:15
Technical Session Natural Language Processing -II |
9:00 -10:15
Technical Session Natural Language Processing -III |
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break |
10:15 – 10:45 Coffee Break
10:15 – 10:45 Coffee Break
10:15 – 10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 -12:00 . Workshops, Tutoriales V Jornada Peruana de Inteligencia Artificial
10:45 -12:00
Technical Session AI Applications, Knowledge Engeneering |
10:45 -12:00
Technical Session Knowledge Representation and Reasoning -II |
10:45 -12:00
Technical Session Multi-Agent Systems -I |
10:45 -12:00
Technical Session Machine Learning, Cognitive Modeling -II |
10:45 -12:00
Technical Session Planning, Scheduling & Robotics -II |
10:45 -12:00
Technical Session F-2B Natural Language Processing -IV |
12:00 – 13:00 Aspectos Estadísticos y Computacionales del Big Data |
12:15 – 13:30 Data-driven Analytics for Natural Resources |
12:15 – 13:30 Ethics and Artificial Intelligence |
12:00 – 13:00
Closing Ceremony |
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
13:30 – 15:30 Lunch |
13:30 – 15:30 Lunch |
15:00 – 17:30 . Workshops, Tutoriales |
15:30 – 17:00
Touristic Tour (ChanChan and Huanchaco) |
Technical Session T-3A Multi-Agent Systems -II |
Technical Session T-3B Machine Learning, Cognitive Modeling -III |
IBERAMIA Meeting |
19:00 – 20:00 Open Ceremony (Aud. Cesar Vallejo) |
19:00 – 21:00 Social & Cultural Reception ( Patio Central.Auditorio Cesar Vallejo) |
20:00 Conference Dinner
- Technical Sessions, workshops and tutorials: School Of Posgrado of the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo , located at Av. Juan Pablo II, Trujillo (Perú). Here you can find it in Google Maps.
- V Jornada Peruana de Inteligencia Artificial: Auditorio Posgrado of the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo , located at Av. Juan Pablo II, Trujillo (Perú).
- Plenarys, Closing ceremony: Auditorio Posgrado of the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo , located at Av. Juan Pablo II, Trujillo (Perú).
- Open Ceremony: Auditorio Cesar Vallejo. . Here you can find it in Google Maps.
- Social & Cultural Reception: Patio Local Central.Auditorio Cesar Vallejo. . Here you can find it in Google Maps.
- Touristic Tour (archaeological sites around trujillo): The place and time of departure will be informed at the Iberamia reception desk
- Conference Dinner: Golf y Country Club Av. Guillermo Ganoza Vargas #850 – Urb. El Golf – Trujillo
Detailed Programme. Technical Sessions
Machine Learning, Cognitive Modeling -I
Technical Session 14 Nov (Wednesday) 9:00 -10:15 W1A
Investigation of Surface EMG and Acceleration Signals of Limbs’ Tremor in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Using the Method of Electrical Activity Analysis Based on Wave Trains
Olga Sushkova, Alexei Morozov, Alexandra Gabova and Alexei Karabanov
Using Fuzzy Neural Networks to prediction of improvement in expert systems for treatment of immunotherapy
Augusto Junio Guimarães, Vinicius Jonathan Silva Araujo, Paulo Vitor Campos Souza, Vanessa Araújo and Thiago Silva Rezende
Analysis of Encoder Representations as Features using Sparse Autoencoders in Gradient Boosting and Ensemble Tree Models
Luis Aguilar Ibañez and Luis Aguilar Gutiérrez
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning -I
Technical Session 14 Nov (Wednesday) 9:00 -10:15 W1B
Completeness by Modal Definitions
Levan Uridia and Dirk Walther
Semantic Representation for Collaboration Trajectories in Communities of Practice
Matheus Pereira, Rosa Vicari and João Da Silva
A distributed probabilistic model for fault diagnosis.
Ana Li Oña García, Enrique Sucar and Eduardo F. Morales
AI Applications, Knowledge Engeneering
Technical Session 14 Nov (Wednesday) 10:45 -12:00 W2A
Design Of A Computational Model For Organizational Learning In Research And Development Centers (R&D)
Carlos Enrique Montenegro-Marin, Marco Javier Suárez Barón, Abdelraouf M. Ishtaiwi, José Fdo López and Paulo Gaona-Garcia
Storm Runoff Prediction Using Rainfall Radar Map Supported By Global Optimization Methodology
Yoshitomo Yonese, Akira Kawamura and Hideo Amaguchi
ESIA Expert System for Systems Audit Risk-Based
Néstor Darío Duque-Méndez, Valentina Tabares and Hector Gonzalez Gutierrrez
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning -II
Technical Session 14 Nov (Wednesday) 10:45 -12:00 W2B
An AI Approach to Temporal Indeterminacy in Relational Databases
Luca Anselma, Luca Piovesan and Paolo Terenziani
Querying probabilistic temporal constraints for guideline interaction analysis: GLARE’s approach
Antonella Andolina, Luca Anselma, Luca Piovesan and Paolo Terenziani
Development of Agent Logic Programming Means for Heterogeneous Multichannel Intelligent Visual Surveillance
Alexei Morozov and Olga Sushkova
Natural Language Processing -I
Technical Session 15 Nov (Thursday) 9:00 -10:15 T1A
A Rule-Based AMR Parser for Portuguese
Rafael Anchiêta and Thiago Pardo
Feature Selection using Sampling with Replacement, Covering Arrays and Rule-Induction Techniques to aid Polarity Detection in Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Jorge Villegas, Carlos Cobos, Martha Eliana Mendoza Becerra and Enrique Herrera-Viedma
On the Automatic Analysis of Rules Governing Online Communities
Adan Beltran, Nardine Osman, Lourdes Aguilar and Carles Sierra
Planning, Scheduling & Robotics -I
Technical Session 15 Nov (Thursday) 9:00 -10:15 T1B
Using Communication for the Evolution of Scalable Role Allocation in Collective Robotics
Gustavo Martins, Paulo Urbano and Anders Christensen
Multi-agent Path Finding on Real Robots: First Experience with Ozobots
Roman Barták, Jiří Švancara, Věra Škopková and David Nohejl
When a Robot Reaches Out for Human Help
Ignasi Andrés, Leliane Nunes de Barros, Denis Mauà and Thiago D. Simão
Multi-Agent Systems -I
Technical Session 15 Nov (Thursday) 10:45 -12:00 T2A
MAS Modeling of Collaborative Creative Processes
Luis de Garrido and Juan Pavón
State Machines Synchronization for Collaborative Behaviors Applied to Centralized Robot Soccer Teams
Jose Guillermo Guarnizo and Martin Mellado
Machine Learning, Cognitive Modeling -II
Technical Session 15 Nov (Thursday) 10:45 -12:00 T2B
Stakeholders Classification System based on Clustering Techniques
Yasiel Pérez-Vera and Anié Bermudez-Peña
Differential Diagnosis of Dengue and Chikungunya in Colombian Children using Machine Learning
William Caicedo, Hernando Pinzón, Ángel Paternina and Jairo Gutiérrez
Evaluating Deep Neural Networks for Automatic Fake News Detection in Political Domain
Francis C. Fernández-Reyes and Suraj Shinde
Multi-Agent Systems -II
Technical Session 15 Nov (Thursday) 15:30–17:00 T3A
Multi-Agent Systems that Learn to Monitor Students’ Activity
Rubén Fuentes-Fernández and Frederic Migeon
Adaptive and Intelligent Mentoring to Increase User Attentiveness in Learning Activities
Ramón Toala Dueñas, Filipe Gonçalves, Dalila Durães and Paulo Novais
Encouraging the recycling process of urban waste by means of game theory techniques using a multi-agent architecture.
Alfonso González-Briones, Pablo Chamoso, Angélica González Arrieta and Juan M. Corchado
Potential Fields in Smoke Dispersion Applied to Evacuation Simulations
Bruna Corrêa, Diana Francisca Adamatti and Alessandro de L. Bicho
Machine Learning, Cognitive Modeling -III
Technical Session 15 Nov (Thursday) 15:30–17:00 T3B
Supervised and unsupervised identification of concept drifts in data streams of seismic-volcanic signals
Paola Alexandra Castro-Cabrera, Mauricio Orozco-Alzate, Cesar Germán Castellanos-Domínguez, Fernando Huenupán and Luis Enrique Franco Marín
A comparative study between deep learning and traditional machine learning techniques for facial biometric recognition
Jonnathann Finizola, Jonas Targino, Felipe Teodoro and Clodoaldo Lima
Neural network pruning using discriminative information for emotion recognition
Máximo Sánchez-Gutiérrez and Enrique Albornoz
Furnariidae species classification using extreme learning machines and spectral information
Enrique Albornoz, Leandro Vignolo, Juan Sarquis and César Martínez
Natural Language Processing -II
Technical Session 16 Nov (Friday) 9:00 -10:15 F1A
Free Tools and Resources for HMM-based Brazilian Portuguese Speech Synthesis
Ericson Costa and Nelson Sampaio Neto
Exploring the Relevance of Bilingual Morph-units in Automatic Induction of Translation Templates
Kavitha Karimbi Mahesh
Machine learning approach for automatic short answer grading: a systematic review
Lucas Galhardi and Jacques Brancher
Natural Language Processing -III
Technical Session 16 Nov (Friday) 10:45 -12:00 F1B
Calculating the Upper Bounds for Automatic Text Summarization in Portuguese using Genetic Algorithms
Jonathan Rojas Simón, Yulia Ledeneva and René Arnulfo García-Hernández
Automatic Detection of Regional Words for Pan-Hispanic Spanish on Twitter
Sergio Jimenez Vargas, George Dueñas, Alexander Gelbukh, Carlos A. Rodriguez-Diaz and Sergio Mancera
LAR-WordNet: A Machine-translated Pan-Hispanic and Regional WordNet for Spanish
Sergio Jimenez Vargas and George Dueñas
Planning, Scheduling & Robotics -II
Technical Session 16 Nov (Friday) 9:00 -10:15 F2A
A Fully Fuzzy Linear Programming Model for Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Assignment
Flabio Gutierrez, Edwar Lujan, Rafael Asmat and Edmundo Vergara
Design of a bio-inspired controller to operate a modular robot autonomously
Henry Hernandez, Rodrigo Moreno and Jonatan Gomez
Natural Language Processing IV
Technical Session 16 Nov (Friday) 10:45 -12:00 F2B
Deep Neural Network Approaches for Spanish Sentiment Analysis of Short Texts
José Eduardo Ochoa Luna and Disraeli Ari
Feature set optimisation for infant cry recognition
Leandro Vignolo, Enrique Marcelo Albornoz and César Ernesto Martínez